We can imprint customer provided logos and artwork on our personalized items! There is no fee if the artwork is submitted in the following formats.
--VECTORIZED art usually from the designer in PDF, EPS, or Ai format (JPGs are never vectorized, not all PDFs are vectorized)
--any text must be OUTLINED
--black and white (no greyscale)
If you do not have access to your art in vector format, we may be able to convert your art for a fee. Alternatively, we can create something custom for you using any of our fonts, designs, or monograms for no additional fee.
Please note that our prices include printing in one color, unless the listing is for a full color item. There are additional fees to print in two colors and subject to design approval.
--HIGH RESOLUTION multicolor art or photographs in any format (the higher resolution the better, but minimum 300 dpi)
We can add additional text, dates, names, etc. to customer provided full color artwork.
Please email your art to art@gbdesignhouse.com with "Your Name - Custom Order Art" as the subject title for artwork approval.
We look forward to working with you!